

来源:中公考研网校 更新时间:2021年04月30日 14:57:46




一级结构:Cloze Test



第1段:Poor diet is the leading cause of mortality in the United States. (1) in nutrition science and policy now (2) a road map for addressing this national nutrition crisis. The “Food Is Medicine” solutions are win-win, promoting better well-being, lower health care costs, (3) sustainability, reduced distinctions among population groups, (4) economic competitiveness and greater national security.

第2段:Some simple, measurable improvements can be made in several health and related areas. (5), Medicare, private insurers and hospitals should include nutrition in any electronic health record; update medical training, licensing and continuing education (6) to put an emphasis on nutrition; (7) patient prescription programs for healthy produce; and, for the sickest patients, cover home-delivered, medically tailored meals. Just the last action, for example, can (8) a net $9,000 in health care costs per patient per year.

第3段:Nutrition standards in schools, which have improved the quality of school meals by 41 percent, should be (9); the national Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program should be extended (10) elementary schools to middle and high schools; and school garden programs should be (11). And the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, which supports grocery purchases for nearly one in eight Americans, should be leveraged to help (12) diet quality and health.

第4段:Government plays a(n) (13) role. The significant impacts of the food system

(14) well-being, health care spending, the economy and the environment—together with mounting public and industry awareness of these issues—have (15) an opportunity for government leaders to champion real solutions.

第5段:(16) with rare exceptions, the current presidential candidates are not being asked about these critical national issues. Every candidate should have a food platform, and every debate should (17) these positions. A new emphasis on the problems and promise of

(18) to improve health and lower health care standards is long (19) for the presidential primary debates and should be (20) in the 2020 general election and the next administration.

题干:1.[单选题] 选项: A. Recessions  B. Dangers  C. Advances  D. Descriptions

题干:2.[单选题] 选项: A. retrieve  B. provide  C. compute  D. compile

题干:3.[单选题] 选项: A. greater  B. higher  C. shorter  D. lower

题干:4.[单选题] 选项: A. replaced  B. lacked  C. improved  D. reflected

题干:5.[单选题] 选项: A. In principle  B. For example  C. On average  D. Above all

题干:6.[单选题] 选项: A. guidelines  B. technology  C. discussion  D. productivity

题干:7.[单选题] 选项: A. show  B. lend  C. pay  D. offer

题干:8.[单选题] 选项: A. save  B. consume  C. afford  D. spend

题干:9.[单选题] 选项: A. adopted  B. required  C. applied  D. strengthened

题干:10.[单选题] 选项: A. behind  B. beyond  C. under  D. towards

题干:11.[单选题] 选项: A. overstated  B. intended  C. expanded  D. measured

题干:12.[单选题] 选项: A. improve  B. lower  C. consider  D. ensure

题干:13.[单选题] 选项: A. indifferent  B. insignificant  C. temporary  D. crucial

题干:14.[单选题] 选项: A. with  B. in  C. on  D. at

题干:15.[单选题] 选项: A. retained  B. seized  C. received  D. created

题干:16.[单选题] 选项: A. Even  B. Yet  C. So  D. Still

题干:17.[单选题] 选项: A. worsen  B. reflect  C. explore  D. accept

题干:18.[单选题] 选项: A. education  B. comment  C. debate  D. nutrition

题干:19.[单选题] 选项: A. delayed  B. supported  C. developed  D. released

题干:20.[单选题] 选项: A. unknown  B. prominent  C. obscure  D. profitable

一级结构:Reading Comprehension


材料:Text 1

第1段:A book is so much more than mere ink and paper. So insist French booksellers, who for nearly four decades have successfully lobbied to keep the forces of the free market at bay. A law passed in 1981 bans the sale of any book at anything other than the price fixed by its publisher. Authorities are cracking down on those trying to sell the latest Thomas Piketty or J.K. Rowling at a discount.

第2段:The fixed-price rule is meant to keep customers loyal to their local bookshop and out of the clutches of supermarkets and hypercapitaliste American corporations. But the advent of e-commerce and e-readers has prompted questions worthy of discussion. Can you fix the price of a book if it is part of an all-you-can-read subscription service? Are audiobooks books at all? And what of authors who self-publish?

第3段:Adjustments have been made to preserve the principle of one book, one price. In 2011 the rule began to apply to digital books. Free delivery by online sellers was prohibited on the grounds it implied a subsidy on the delivered books (prompting websites to charge all of €0.01 for postage). But a new challenge to the policy is proving thornier.

第4段:Used books are exempt from the pricing rule. Third-party sellers on Amazon are accused of using this as a way to apply forbidden discounts: selling brand-new books as “second-hand” to make them cheaper. So fans of bleak fiction can purchase a copy of the latest Michel Houellebecq novel, “Sérotonine”, for €11.71 ($13.21) on Amazon, roughly half its mandated price. Its seller claims it is in “perfectly new” condition.

第5段:Amazon claims its practices are legal. But booksellers are fuming, and their political allies with them. “This is a major preoccupation,” complained Franck Riester, the culture minister, at a booksellers’ party this week. He says new legislation may be needed.

第6段:Defenders of the fixed-price principle (which has spread to other parts of Europe) say it helps keep independent bookshops viable. Over 100,000 new and reissued titles were released in France last year, in part because bookshops make a decent margin on bestsellers and can take a risk on edgier fare.

第7段:Others are not so sure. Even with a plethora of subsidies, bookshops are among the least profitable retail businesses. Books are expensive in France—an odd way to encourage people to buy more. For now, constraining the market in the name of cultural exception remains an article of faith for French policymakers. “On the internet you simply find what you look for,” Mr Riester told his literary allies. “But only in a bookshop do you find what you were not looking for.”

题干21. [单选题] The underlined sentence (Para.1) most probably shows that the French booksellers have been taking efforts to ______.

选项:A. pass the ban on the fixed-price principle

B. constrain the forces of the free market

C. fight against the policies made by authorities

D. preserve the traditional rules for book sales

题干:22. [单选题] The fixed-price rule was intended to ______.

选项:A. make customers stick to local bookstores

B. provide customers with books of reliable prices

C. protect customers from unfair prices abroad

D. offer free subscription service to customers

题干:23. [单选题] What change was made to uphold the principle of fixed-price?

选项:A. Cheaper postage was provided to online sellers.

B. Free delivery was forbidden in rural areas.

C. Delivered books were subsidized.

D. Digital books were included in the principle.

题干:24. [单选题] By citing the example of the novel “Sérotonine”, the author intends to show ______.

选项:A. the pricing rule can be bypassed

B. the mandated price needs adjustments

C. brand-new books must be sold at a discount

D. books should be sold based on their conditions

题干:25. [单选题] Generally speaking, Mr Riester’s attitude toward the fixed-price principle is ______.

选项:A. ambiguous

B. disapproving

C. disapproving

D. Indifferent

材料:Text 2

第1段:What broke the internet? Was it the business model, the tech bros’ myopia, Russian infiltrators, millennials? Lately commentators have heaved a world-weary sigh and pointed at a more existential culprit: human nature. 26. __________________ The worst qualities of online space aren’t inevitable: they’re a natural result of a lack of human dignity.

第2段:Dignity—literally “worthy” in Latin—matters because it’s an idea that we’ve returned to again and again over the centuries as a way of understanding how humans can live together decently, respectfully. 27. __________________

第3段:Consider the relationship between dignity and conflict described by Donna Hicks, a Harvard conflict-resolution expert who has worked on the conflicts between Israelis and Palestinians and in Northern Ireland and Colombia. 28. __________________“We long to look good in the eyes of others, to feel good about ourselves, to be worthy of others’ care and attention,” Hicks writes. When we are treated as if we don’t matter or aren’t due respect, we become vindictive, tribalistic and vengeful.

第4段:For the Enlightenment philosophers like Kant who popularized the current meaning of the term, dignity also requires that we treat human beings as ends rather than as means to an end. Online platforms like Twitter, YouTube and Facebook threaten our dignity in this sense. Growth hacking and gamification—pursuits at the core of most consumer-facing startups—are about nothing if not treating people instrumentally, as means to the end of growing active usership and revenue per user.

第5段:Some of this may be inevitable in a capitalist system, but not all technologies are undignified. Consider video-chat tools like FaceTime, expressive ones like Illustrator, or screen readers that allow blind folks to participate in online conversation. 29. __________________

第6段:There are emerging examples of technologies that support us in overcoming our impulses to make moral choices. The moral psychologist Jonathan Haidt and his collaborators Caroline Mehl and Raffi Grinberg have developed an online education platform, OpenMind, which walks people through the cognitive biases that tend to distort our view of other people’s positions. 30. __________________ A more dignified tech approach is even catching on in Silicon Valley. Philosopher Joe Edelman runs a class in values-driven design, which has been embraced by high-ranking designers sat Facebook and Apple, among other companies.题干26. [单选题] ______.

选项:A. Over our history, we’ve found ways to create tools and spaces that call out and amplify the best parts of human nature. That’s the great story of civilization—the development of technologies like written language that have moderated our animal impulses.

B. Over decades in the field, he saw a repeating pattern: conflicts came about when people felt they were being disrespected and treated as worthless.

C. That sounds like a compelling, intuitive answer—after all, people online do lots of awful and ugly stuff. As a diagnosis, though, it’s dangerously superficial and lets tech companies off easy.

D. According to their data, months after taking the curriculum, people are less likely to be dismissive of ideas simply because they come from political opponents.

E. But recently, it’s been absent from our conversations about technological ills. This history puts in a new light what’s gone wrong online—and suggests how we might set it right.

F. Increasingly, the tools we use have turned on us. And social technologies don’t just treat us instrumentally—they encourage us to look at one another that way as well, as a means to higher status or a better job or a measurement of self-worth.

G. None of these technologies is perfect. But there are some common threads: a focus on user empowerment and a genuine respect for his or her desires rather than manipulation—a prioritization of open-ended exploration over tight feedback loops and optimization.

题干:27. [单选题] ______.

选项:A. Over our history, we’ve found ways to create tools and spaces that call out and amplify the best parts of human nature. That’s the great story of civilization—the development of technologies like written language that have moderated our animal impulses.

B. Over decades in the field, he saw a repeating pattern: conflicts came about when people felt they were being disrespected and treated as worthless.

C. That sounds like a compelling, intuitive answer—after all, people online do lots of awful and ugly stuff. As a diagnosis, though, it’s dangerously superficial and lets tech companies off easy.

D. According to their data, months after taking the curriculum, people are less likely to be dismissive of ideas simply because they come from political opponents.

E. But recently, it’s been absent from our conversations about technological ills. This history puts in a new light what’s gone wrong online—and suggests how we might set it right.

F. Increasingly, the tools we use have turned on us. And social technologies don’t just treat us instrumentally—they encourage us to look at one another that way as well, as a means to higher status or a better job or a measurement of self-worth.

G. None of these technologies is perfect. But there are some common threads: a focus on user empowerment and a genuine respect for his or her desires rather than manipulation—a prioritization of open-ended exploration over tight feedback loops and optimization.

题干:28. [单选题] ______.

选项:A. Over our history, we’ve found ways to create tools and spaces that call out and amplify the best parts of human nature. That’s the great story of civilization—the development of technologies like written language that have moderated our animal impulses.

B. Over decades in the field, he saw a repeating pattern: conflicts came about when people felt they were being disrespected and treated as worthless.

C. That sounds like a compelling, intuitive answer—after all, people online do lots of awful and ugly stuff. As a diagnosis, though, it’s dangerously superficial and lets tech companies off easy.

D. According to their data, months after taking the curriculum, people are less likely to be dismissive of ideas simply because they come from political opponents.

E. But recently, it’s been absent from our conversations about technological ills. This history puts in a new light what’s gone wrong online—and suggests how we might set it right.

F. Increasingly, the tools we use have turned on us. And social technologies don’t just treat us instrumentally—they encourage us to look at one another that way as well, as a means to higher status or a better job or a measurement of self-worth.

G. None of these technologies is perfect. But there are some common threads: a focus on user empowerment and a genuine respect for his or her desires rather than manipulation—a prioritization of open-ended exploration over tight feedback loops and optimization.

题干:29.[单选题] ______.

选项:A. Over our history, we’ve found ways to create tools and spaces that call out and amplify the best parts of human nature. That’s the great story of civilization—the development of technologies like written language that have moderated our animal impulses.

B. Over decades in the field, he saw a repeating pattern: conflicts came about when people felt they were being disrespected and treated as worthless.

C. That sounds like a compelling, intuitive answer—after all, people online do lots of awful and ugly stuff. As a diagnosis, though, it’s dangerously superficial and lets tech companies off easy.

D. According to their data, months after taking the curriculum, people are less likely to be dismissive of ideas simply because they come from political opponents.

E. But recently, it’s been absent from our conversations about technological ills. This history puts in a new light what’s gone wrong online—and suggests how we might set it right.

F. Increasingly, the tools we use have turned on us. And social technologies don’t just treat us instrumentally—they encourage us to look at one another that way as well, as a means to higher status or a better job or a measurement of self-worth.

G. None of these technologies is perfect. But there are some common threads: a focus on user empowerment and a genuine respect for his or her desires rather than manipulation—a prioritization of open-ended exploration over tight feedback loops and optimization.

题干:30. [单选题] ______.

选项:A. Over our history, we’ve found ways to create tools and spaces that call out and amplify the best parts of human nature. That’s the great story of civilization—the development of technologies like written language that have moderated our animal impulses.

B. Over decades in the field, he saw a repeating pattern: conflicts came about when people felt they were being disrespected and treated as worthless.

C. That sounds like a compelling, intuitive answer—after all, people online do lots of awful and ugly stuff. As a diagnosis, though, it’s dangerously superficial and lets tech companies off easy.

D. According to their data, months after taking the curriculum, people are less likely to be dismissive of ideas simply because they come from political opponents.

E. But recently, it’s been absent from our conversations about technological ills. This history puts in a new light what’s gone wrong online—and suggests how we might set it right.

F. Increasingly, the tools we use have turned on us. And social technologies don’t just treat us instrumentally—they encourage us to look at one another that way as well, as a means to higher status or a better job or a measurement of self-worth.

G. None of these technologies is perfect. But there are some common threads: a focus on user empowerment and a genuine respect for his or her desires rather than manipulation—a prioritization of open-ended exploration over tight feedback loops and optimization.###









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