

来源:中公考研网校 更新时间:2021年06月08日 16:37:48

中公四六级礼盒全新升级 10大核心备考资料包邮到家


第一章 写作重点话题预测

话题 1:推荐信——参观某个城市

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to recommend  your friend a city to visit. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Dear Mary,

I am writing this letter to recommend you to visit Beijing.

The primary factors are as follows. Firstly, Beijing is an ancient capital with a history of more than three thousand years. It is also the city with the largest number of world cultural heritages. In Beijing, you can stroll leisurely among the historical sites, follow in the footsteps of the emperor, experience the majestic atmosphere and feel the beauty of the imperial art. What is more, Beijing is also a modern metropolis with multi-culture as its core. People from all over the world gather here to feel the latest fashion and foresee future fashionable trends. I’m sure that you will be impressed by its beauty of modern landmarks.

I am looking forward that my recommendation will get your consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming


1.有……年的历史:with a history of...years

2.世界文化遗产:world cultural heritages

3.历史名胜:the historical sites

4.一个现代大都市:a modern metropolis

话题 2:职业选择

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how students make a proper job choice. You are required to write at least 120 words but no more than180 words.


Recently, how to make a proper job choice has come into sight as a hot topic, highly discussed by people not only in workplace but also in campus. A recent research showed that 80% of university students have worried how to choose a suitable job. And I hold the view that it is important for college students to take this problem into consideration..

In theory, many methods can be used to address the problem, but the following two are crucial. To begin with, we should deepen understanding of ourselves. For example, we can analyze our strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes to narrow down our choices. In addition, asking our parents, seniors and teachers for advice will enable us to better know the employment situation of our majors. To be specific, we should weigh advantages and disadvantages of a certain job based on their information.

Based on the above discussion, it is advisable to take the most effective steps to

choose the suitable job for us. Only in this way can we embrace a bright future.


1.被广泛讨论:highly discussed by...

2.在职场中:in workplace

3.考虑······:take...into consideration

4.喜恶:likes and dislikes

5.了解就业形势:know the employment situation

话题 3:同辈压力

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how to best handle the peer pressure. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Recently, how to best handle the peer pressure has come into sight as a heated topic, which worries people not only in workplace but also in campus. As is shown by a survey, 70% of university students have trouble in handling the peer pressure. And I hold the view that it is of great importance for us to properly handle pressure form our peers..

In theory, many methods can be used to address the problem, but the following two are crucial. To begin with, we should gradually develop the ability of thinking independently. To be specific, it is significant to think before blindly following others without questioning and read books as many as possible to form our own model of thinking. In addition, we should just do our best and forget the rest. It is not advisable to give too much concern for others’ opinion.

Based on the above discussion, it is advisable to take the most effective steps to spare us form peer pressure. Only in this way can we live a happy and meaningful life.


1.独立思考:thinking independently.

2.盲目跟风:blindly follow others without questioning

3.形成自己的知识体系:form our own model of thinking

4.做好自己:just do our best and forget the rest

5.太在意别人的眼光:give too much concern for others’ opinion

6.不受 影响(坏事物):spare sb. from sth. /doing sth.

话题 4:家庭教育

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the importance of family education. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Recently, family education has come into sight as a heated topic, which attracts the attention of the general public. As is shown by a saying, parents are the first teachers of their children. And I hold the view that family education exerts enormous influence on the growing process of children.

In theory, many factors may account for my consideration, but the following two  are crucial. To begin with, family education will bring a profound impact on children’s world view. To be specific, children always get the very first knowledge of the world through parents’ education and it’s often hard to change that impression. In addition, family education plays an important role in cultivating children’s interest. For example, parents who are avid readers are more likely to arouse children’s interest in books.

According to all the analysis above, it is advisable to take effective ways to raise the quality of family education. Only in this way can we embrace a bright future.


1.父母是孩子的第一任老师:parents are the first teachers of their children

2.有巨大影响:exert enormous influence on

3.培养兴趣:cultivate interest

4.读书爱好者:avid readers

5.提升······的兴趣:arouse...interest in

话题 5:干一行,爱一行

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay commenting on “Love what you do.” You can cite examples to illustrate your views. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Recently, loving what you do has come into sight as a heated topic, which attracts the attention of the general public. The saying “Love what you do” advocates devotion to the job. I contend that it is sensible for us to have the quality of devotion in workplace.

Generally speaking, many factors may account for my consideration, but the following two are crucial. To begin with, devotion to jobs is beneficial to career advancement. As a saying goes, “Interest is the best teacher”, devotion is the premise of learning on one’s own. Therefore, we are more likely to learn things and make progress once we are devoted to our job. In addition, devotion to the job helps us to tackle difficulties. That is to say, devotion will fill us with passion and thus we are less likely to shrink back.

According to all the analysis above, it is advisable for us to take effective ways to

keep devoted to the job. Only in this way can we embrace a bright future.


1.职业晋升:career advancement

2.兴趣是最好的老师:Interest is the best teacher.

3.退缩:shrink back

第二章 翻译重点话题预测

话题 1:赛龙舟

赛龙舟是中国端午节的主要习俗,起源于战国时期,距今已有 2000 多年的历史。传说,战国时期的爱国诗人屈原在农历五月五日跳汨罗江(Miluo River)自尽,人们借划龙舟驱散江中的鱼,以免屈原的尸体被吃掉。后来,在端午节赛龙舟便演变成纪念屈原   的方式。比赛中,水手们齐心协力以求最先达到终点,也体现出了中国人民的集体主义  精神。


Dragon boat racing is the main custom of the Dragon Boat Festival in China. It dates  back to the Warring States Period and has a history of more than 2,000 years. It is said that Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet of the Warring States Period, drowned himself in the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. People used dragon boats to chase away fish so that his body would not be eaten. Later, dragon boat racing has evolved into a way in honor of Qu Yuan during the Dragon Boat Festival. In the race, the sailors made joint efforts to reach the finish line, reflecting the collectivism spirit of the Chinese people.


1.起源于……:date back to...

2.有……年历史:have a history of

3.传说……:It is said that...

4.演变成:evolve into

5.纪念:in honor of...

6.齐心协力:make joint efforts to

7.体现出……精神:reflecting the ... spirit

话题 2:篆刻

篆刻(Seal Carving),是以石材为主要材料、以刻刀为主要工具的镌刻艺术,是汉字特有的艺术表现形式。它起源于先秦,距今已有 3000 多年的历史。篆刻强调中国书法(calligraphy)的笔法和结构,也突出镌刻中自由的艺术精神。它在小小方寸间承载了人   们的情感,深受中国文人及普通民众的喜爱。篆刻艺术作品既可以独立欣赏,又在书画  作品等领域广泛应用。


Seal Carving, an type of carving with stone as the main material and cutting knife as the main tool, is a unique art form of Chinese characters. It originated in the pre-Qin Dynasty and has a history of more than 3,000 years. Seal engraving emphasizes the strokes and structure of Chinese calligraphy as well as the artistic spirit of freedom in carving. It carries people’s emotions in small space and is well-liked by Chinese literati and ordinary people. Seal carving art works can be not only appreciated independently but also widely used in the fields of painting and calligraphy.


1. 以……为主要材料:with ... as the main material

2. 汉字:Chinese characters

3. 起源于……:originate in

4. 强调:emphasize

5. 承载情感:carry emotions

6. 深受喜爱:be well-liked by...

7. 普通民众:ordinary people

8. 广泛应用:be widely used in...

话题 3:毛笔

毛笔(Chinese brush),是一种源于中国的传统书写与绘画工具。它产生于中国新石器时代(the Neolithic period),迄今已有 6000 余年历史。它笔毛柔软,写出来的字却很有风骨。人们除了用毛笔书写交流信息外,还通过练习书法(calligraphy)来修身养性,   使之具有了艺术传播的功能。几千年来,它为创造汉民族光辉灿烂的文化,为促进汉民族与世界各族的文化交流,做出了卓越的贡献。


Chinese brush, originating in China, is a traditional writing and painting tool. It was invented in the Neolithic Period and has a history of more than 6000 years. Its brush hair is soft but the written words boast strength. Chinese brush is used not only to write and exchange information but also to practice calligraphy for the purpose of self-cultivation, which enables it to function  as a  form  of art  dissemination.  For thousands of years,  it has made  outstanding contributions to the creation of the brilliant culture of the Han nationality and the promotion of cultural exchanges between the Han nationality and other ethnic groups in the world.


1.书写绘画工具:writing and painting tool

2.交流信息:exchange information

3.来……:for the purpose of...


5.有……的功能:function as...

6.艺术传播:art dissemination

7.对……做出了卓越的贡献:make outstanding contributions to...

8.文化交流:cultural exchanges

话题 4:针灸

针灸(Acupuncture)是中医的重要组成部分,也是中华优秀民族文化的代表。针灸  疗法有广泛的适用性,疗效迅速显著。它的操作方法简便易行,医疗费用经济,极少出   现副作用。针灸是中华民族智慧与创造力的体现,为保障人民的生命健康发挥着重要作  用。它历代延续的完整体系和稳定的实践结果也获得了世界范围内的认可。


Acupuncture is an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a representative of Chinese outstanding culture. Acupuncture therapy has wide applicability, rapid effect and high efficiency. It is economical and easy to operate and rarely causes side-effects. Acupuncture is  a manifestation of the wisdom and creativity of Chinese people and plays an important role in safeguarding people’s life and health. Its integrated system passing on through generations and stable treatment effect have also been recognized worldwide.


1.……的重要组成部分:an important part of...

2.中医:Traditional Chinese Medicine

3.中华优秀民族文化:Chinese outstanding culture


5.是……的体现:be a manifestation of...

6.发挥重要作用:play an important role in...

7.保障人民生命健康:safeguard people’s life and health

8.历代延续:passing on through generations

话题 5:二十四节气

二十四节气(The 24 Solar Terms)是中国古代订立的一种用来指导农事的补充历法。它蕴含着悠久的文化内涵和历史积淀,是中华文化的重要组成部分。它科学地揭示了天文气象变化的规律:将一年分四季,春夏秋冬各三个月,每月两个节气,每个节气均有其独特的含义。例如,惊蛰(Awakening of Insects)前后各地天气已开始转暖,雨水渐多,对于农民而言,是春耕开始的重要节气。


The 24 Solar Terms function as a supplementary calendar set up in ancient China to guide agricultural activities. With deep cultural connotation and long history, they are an important part of Chinese culture. The 24 Solar Terms scientifically reveal the law of weather changes and divide the year into four seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each season falls into three months, and each month into two solar terms. Every solar term has its own unique meaning. For example, the weather around the Awakening of Insects has started to get warmer and there has been more rain. Therefore, it is an important solar term to remind farmers to start spring ploughing.


1.指导农事:guide agricultural activities

2.文化内涵:cultural connotation

3.··· ···的规律:the laws of...

4.春耕:spring ploughing






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